Did you know that Urbanfresh’s microgreens and microleaves are packed with healthy properties? Surely, you have heard that carrots take care of your eyes and help to maintain your tan, or that orange protects against colds. Some foods, especially vegetables, and even more so when they are sustainably grown without pesticides or toxins, are rich in nutrients. These are foods that, in one way or another, take care of our body.
Our products are small size, but their benefit to the health is huge, since according to some studies they may have higher levels of certain vitamins compared to adult plants, particularly vitamins such as C, E and K. The key, then, is in the “small details”: our microgreens are tender leaves that have not yet reached their adult stage, so they have an intense taste and are a great source of nutrients. In the case of our microleaves, as they are the next step to microgreens, (we let the leaves grow before they reach adult stage) it results in a tender, very aesthetic and flavorful sprout. A little piece of health in every bite!

Antioxidants: natural shields
Antioxidants are essential to combat free radicals, molecules that contribute to premature aging and the development of chronic diseases. These form naturally in the body, but their production can increase due to factors such as pollution, stress and an unhealthy diet. Purple radish, basil (our genoese, purple and thai varieties), coriander, red kale and purple mustard are known for their antioxidant effects, with red kale even contributing to better heart health!
Anti-inflammatories: protectors of well-being
Inflammation is a natural response of the body to defend and protect itself from various injuries and conditions, such as when we experience pain, swelling or fatigue, among other symptoms. The choice of foods can significantly influence this inflammation, either triggering it (with high-fat foods like fast food), or helping to reduce it. Here, antioxidant-rich foods also play a key role, especially, coriander, purple radish, all our basil varieties, and shiso, which have the most potent anti-inflammatory properties.
Antiallergics: foods for better breathing (and living)
For those who suffer from allergies or respiratory problems, shiso is super ally. With anti-allergy and anti-inflammatory properties, this microgreen can help relieve allergy and asthma symptoms. In addition, its flavor delights with its acidic, bitter, sweet, and spicy touch.
You have already seen that using microgreens and microleaves in recipes has all sorts of advantages thanks to their (almost) magical therapeutic nutrients. But the benefits of our products don’t stop here, as they also have diuretic, digestive, antimicrobial, antiseptic and cardioprotective properties. They even have an impact on relaxation, digestion, mood and cognitive function!
Want to know all the varieties we cultivate and their health benefits? Visit our website, you’ll surely be surprised!