We live and grow at breakneck speed! Therefore, the need to find innovative solutions to feed ourselves healthily while taking care of the planet is quite a challenge. Additionally, space limitation is a dilemma. Combining urban and vertical agriculture promises for our cities a more sustainable present and future!
Urban agriculture, which is, cultivating in or near urban areas, and vertical agriculture, which takes advantage of space at different height levels, maximize production, reduce emissions associated with transportation and offer fresher food. It’s no wonder our brand is called Urbanfresh; our products are urban and ultra-fresh!
There is a wide range of books available delving into these topics, from practical guides on vertical farming to in-depth studies carried out by experts analyzing the positive impact on 21st century cities.
This is our selection!

Agricultura urbana en altura, by Julián Briz, Manfred Köhler, Isabel de Felipe. 2018 (Ed. Agrícola).
This collaborative work presents the opinion and experience of 44 international experts on green areas, technology, design and the environment, seeking citizen well-being from various perspectives.

Manual práctico del cultivo sin suelo e hidroponía, Various Authors. 2018 (Ediciones Mundi-Prensa).
Horticulture, a booming science, requires a variety of knowledge that is collected in this collection of different practical manuals, aimed at both amateurs and cultivation professionals.

Cultivo vertical. Hortalizas y frutas, by Rhonda Massingham Hart. 2012 (Ed. Omega).
The manual offers techniques for growing vegetables and fruits in reduced vertical spaces, controlling weeds and pests and increasing the harvest.

La ciudad agraria. Agricultura urbana y soberanía alimentaria, by Guillem Tendero. 2017 (Ed. Icaria).
Strategies for fairer and more sustainable cities and urban food systems, based on agroecology and food sovereignty within a new ecosocial paradigm.

Agricultura vertical: ¿cómo alimentaremos a los tres mil millones de personas más para 2050?, by Fouad Sabry. 2021 (Ed. Mil Millones de Conocimientos).
To feed a growing global population and compensate for the loss of land, vertical farming offers efficient solutions. The author lists the advantages of urban vertical farming to adapt to the agriculture of the future.
Go ahead, pick a book and enjoy Book Day and Sant Jordi’s Day, immerse yourself in the world of urban and vertical agriculture through literature.
Do you know other interesting works about urban cultivation?
Happy reading!