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In these times of drought, what better time to talk about vertical farming and its ability to save water!

In Europe, the Mediterranean area is the most affected by drought, directly influencing the agricultural sector. Limited water supply can lead to a reduction in harvests and fewer pastures for cattle and, in fact, a water restrictions emergency plan has already been activated for both citizens and companies in Catalonia. The emergency is declared when internal basin reserves drop below 16%. Currently, it stands at 15%. It is a challenge to reverse this situation!

Fortunately, vertical farming is a sustainable and environmentally efficient alternative, which we can even say is water-friendly. The secret? Technology optimizes water consumption and conserves water resources. These irrigation systems reduce consumption by up to 95%!

How is it achieved? Let us tell you!

It may seems like magic, but it’s not. The vertical growing systems that currently exist, such as hydroponics and aeroponics, allow precise control of water consumption, maximizing absorption by plants:

  • In hydroponics, plants grow in water with added nutrients.
  • In aeroponics, the roots are suspended in the air and are sprayed with a nutrient-rich water solution.

How do we grow at Urbanfresh?

With our production model, plants receive just what they need, not a drop more, not a drop less. We offer fresh crops, enhancing its flavor and using cutting-edge technology: we reuse water in closed and controlled irrigation circuits, without pesticides or chemicals and prioritizing organic and natural growth.

As the crop does not depend on the weather or outside temperature, this allows us to offer our microgreens and microleaves year-round. At Urbanfresh we always have super fresh, high-quality seasonal products, perfect to making the best recipes! Direct from the plantation to your table, saving water, caring for the planet and helping to create healthy recipes.

Want to know more about our project?

Visit our website and discover how we are revolutionizing the way we grow food.

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